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July is National Grilling Month
July is National Grilling Month

July is National Grilling MonthSummer is in full swing. It’s as hot as the blazing sun. It’s no time to turn on the oven and heat your house. No wonder July is National Grilling Month- the perfect time to light up the grill and cook dinner outside!

Gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and lap band patients can find high protein, low carbohydrate meals that are perfect on the grill. Fish, chicken, beef, and pork can make good protein choices for grilling. Vegetables like asparagus, zucchini, summer squash, peppers, and eggplant are lower in carbohydrates and perfect for grilling, too. By focusing on high protein, low carbohydrate meals bariatric patients can maximize their weight loss after their gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, or lap band surgery.

As bariatric patients need very moist, soft protein, in the early stages after their gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, or gastric band surgery, grilling may not be appropriate. For those who tolerate can fish, grilling fish in a foil packet can keep it moist and flaky. White fish, like tilapia, and oily fish, like salmon, often can remain moist and flaky enough for bariatric patients.

For bariatric patients who are tolerating regular consistency proteins well and have advanced to Dr. Shillingford’s post-op bariatric diet Stage 6 and beyond, grilling protein, vegetables, and even fruit can be a great way to spend a July day or night. Grilling outside can help keep your house cool, and make clean up easy. This can give you some extra time to fit in some exercise, like a walk, jog, or a swim.

Let us know your favorite food to grill!

For more information about Dr. Shillingford’s post-op bariatric diet, or how to schedule your free informational session to learn more about gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, and lap band surgery, call (561) 483-8840. His Boca Raton office is conveniently located for patients in the nearby Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs, Wellington, West Palm Beach, and even Orlando areas.